Avionaut QI 2.0 C - ISOFIX base
base for Pixel PRO 2.0 C, Cosmo, AeroFIX 2.0 C and AeroFIX RWF 2.0 C
Safety of small travelers security safety seat fasteners. We just offer the base IQ 2.0 C, what's more, its assembly is child's play. Simply attach the bracket to the ISOFIX bracket and place the child seat on it. Easy!

The IQ 2.0 C base from Avionaut is very versatile.
Designed by engineers to fit most car seats. This makes it easier to move with the child between cars or quickly fit into a taxi. Grandparents can also enjoy the privilege of transporting their grandson - no problems with adjusting to the seat!
Avionaut IQ 2.0 C base - Quick assembly
Thanks to the Click'n'Drive system, the assembly of the Avionaut IQ 2.0 C base is extremely simple. Correct connection to the ISOFIX anchorage point is signaled by a light and sound signal (the sound signal can be turned off if you are afraid to wake up a toddler sleeping in the seat). All you have to do is place the child seat, buckle your child in it and you are ready to go. The IQ 2.0 C base definitely speeds up preparation for riding and makes being a parent a little easier.
Safe base for a car seat
Baza dla fotelików stosowana jest nie tylko, aby ułatwić montaż, ale również zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo. Baza IQ 2.0 C stabilizuje fotelik na siedzeniu samochodu i zapobiega przesuwaniu się fotelika podczas gwałtownych manewrów. Mała ilość połączeń minimalizuje ryzyko odczepienia siedziska, a noga stabilizujące służy za dodatkowy punkt podparcia. Wszystko po to, aby mali podróżnicy byli jak najbardziej bezpieczni podczas podróży.